Sunday 7 May 2017

Joint communique of the Juche Idea Study Group of England , Association for the Study of Songun Politics UK and the Stoke-On-Trent branch of the Juche Idea Study Group of England

8th of May  Juche 106(2017)
A joint meeting was held between the leadership of the JISGE and ASSPUK and the Stoke On Trent branch of the JISGE on the 6th of May in Stoke- On-Trent ,
The meeting supported the commentary on DPRK-China relations by Kim Chol . The article is very well written and principled . It correctly exposes the big -power chauvinism of China and its very poor behaviour towards the DPRK . Participants said that the DPRK is the most independent , Juche-orientated socialist country that is not only opposing US imperialism but also opposes big power chauvinism and modern revisionism . We must do more to publicise the independent and Juche-based stand .
The participants in the meeting also supported the recent statement of the DPRK Ministry of State Security . They strongly denounced the wicked and evil plot of the US imperialists against the Supreme leadership of the DPRK. The US imperialists are the chieftains of international terrorism . The anti-terrorist,anti-US struggle of the DPRK must be supported.
The meeting reaffirmed the principled position of the ASSPUK , JISGE and Stoke On Trent branch of the JISGE on supporting the

Anti-Imperialist National Democratic front of south Korea (AINDF) and recognise the AINDF as the true vanguard of the south Korean revolution . We will step up solidarity with the struggle of the south Korean people for reunification, peace and independence.

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