Friday 25 November 2016

Letter on south Korea that the Morning Star did not publish

It was great to see the Morning Star article "A cult leader and a dictator's daughter'(Morning Star  November 17th) which exposed the corrupt nature of the Park Geun Hye regime in south Korea.
  However reading it I found it disappointing that it failed to call a spade a spade and a puppet a puppet ! 
   The south Korean puppet entity was a creation of the US who occupied south Korea in 1945 and to this day  south Korea is a puppet of the US. Operational Command of the south Korean armed forces is in the hands of the US . Over 30,000 US troops occupy south Korea and commit all sorts of crimes.
It is the US who decide who is president of south Korea. If the US decides that Park is a liability and must be go , then this is what will happen.Park's father was assassinated by his own spy chief on US orders because he had become a liability to them
   .The article is shy to call south Korea  fascist. A regime that dissolves a political party with elected representatives and jails trade union leaders is a fascist regime end of story. Anti-fascists should be campaigning against south Korea.
  If the US decide to keep Park in power we will probably see martial law in south Korea plus massive anti-DPRK provocations.
   The article talks about the Left in south Korea but omits to mention the Anti-Imperialist National Democratic Front , the true voice of the south Korean revolution which was founded in 1969 as the Revolutionary Party for Reunification.

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