Thursday 2 April 2015



The great leader comrade KIM IL SUNG was a seasoned and stalwart veteran revolutionary who had fought against imperialism-Japanese and US- from the age of 14 till the last moments of his life  and adhered to revolutionary principles throughout his career . When the modern revisionists and traitors like Gorbachov abandoning socialist principles  throwing the Red flag down on the ground  President KIM IL SUNG instead stuck to socialist principles and held high the Red flag.
                      The great leader comrade KIM IL SUNG had consistently opposed any backtrackingor dilution of revolutionary principles . He opposed modern revisionism when it first appeared on the scene.As Comrade
"In 1955, therefore, our Party set forth the definite policy of establishing Juche, and has been persistently urging an energetic ideological struggle to carry it through ever since. The year 1955 marked a turning point in our Party's consistent struggle against dogmatism. It was also at that time, in fact, that we started our struggle against modern revisionism that had emerged within the socialist camp. Our struggle against dogmatism was thus linked up with the struggle against modern revisionism".
(KIM IL SUNG: 'On Juche in Our Revolution'; p. 471).
Comrade KIM IL SUNG in his famous and celebrated work 'On Eliminating Dogmatism and Formalism and Establishing Juche in Ideological Work' (December 23rd, 1955), pointed out that a faction within the WPK, on returning from a visit to the Soviet Union, had demanded that Korea should drop its slogan against US imperialism on the grounds the USSR was following the line of easing international tension. This was an early manifestation of attempts by factionalists within the WPK to spread revisionism.
It was in 1956 that things reached a very critical stage. Khrushchov, the chief of the modern revisionists had made his speech to the 20th Congress of the CPSU heralding the onset of modern revisionism and the imperialists launched a fierce international anticommunist campaign. Within Korea, the Syngman Rhee puppet regime went wild, talking of a 'March North'. The DPRK had only just completed the post-war reconstruction and rehabilitation of the economy after the devastation caused by the war. The factionalists who had been lurking in the WPK seized the chance to try and overthrow the leadership with the backing of outside revisionists. Indeed the CPSU fraternal delegate to the 3rd Congress of the WPK  made a veiled attack on the WPK leadership. Events came to a head in August, when the factionalists tried to stage their coup under the manipulation of the great power chauvinists and revisionists. Their aim was to deny the Party's leadership role and paralyse the dictatorship of the proletariat. They also wished to stamp out the revolutionary conditions of the WPK forged in the flames of the anti-Japanese armed struggle. They even intended to proclaim Korea a pro-American 'neutral nation'. However, Comrade Kim Il Sung led the people to smash the anti-Party counter-revolutionary factional clique. The WPK launched internally an anti-factional, anti-revisionist struggle. Comrade KIM IL SUNG attacked factionalism and revisionism at a Party Conference on March 6 1958. Referring to factionalism, he said:
"No faction is better or worse than any other. All come from the same mould; they are all products of capitalist influence in the working class movement. And they are a poison that destroys our Party and the working class movement in Korea".
(KIM IL SUNG 'On Juche in Our Revolution', Volume 1; p. 209).
Speaking of revisionism, Comrade KIM IL SUNG said:
"The imperialists and their servants the revisionists are now spreading revisionism in opposition to Marxism-Leninism and the communist movement. . . . It has made and is making inroads into our country too, and the anti-Party groups have exported it for their own ends. . . . To reject our Party's leadership means precisely to deny the revolution and capitulate to capitalism. Therefore it is necessary not only to fight against the revisionists who reject Party leadership, but also to combat relentlessly all the unsettling elements that provide good soil for revisionism". (KIM IL SUNG'On Juche in Our Revolution', p. 213-14).
Speaking to soldiers of the 109th Army of the KPA on the 25th August 1960, Comrade
  KIM IL SUNG stated:
"Revisionists refashion Marxism-Leninism. They laud th emselves as cleverer Marxist-Leninists than Marx or Lenin. Certain countries have this tendency. Some people insist we must peacefully co-exist with the Yankees. How can we do so without opposing US imperialism?" (KIM IL SUNG'On Juche in Our Revolution', p. 225).
In the early 60s, Comrade KIM IL SUNG made the struggle of the WPK against modern revisionism a major priority in the Party. He attacked modern revisionism at the 4th Congress. At the March 8 1962 3rd plenary meeting of the CC, Comrade KIM IL SUNG defined the strengthening of the struggle against revisionism as a key task in Party work. He also with great clarity elucidated the true nature of modern revisionism:
"The sources of revisionism are acceptance of domestic bourgeois influence and surrender to external imperialist pressure. Both old revisionism and modern revisionism are one and the same in essence and in aims. Both deny the basic principles of Marxism and call for a renunciation of the revolutionary struggle on the pretext that times have changed".
(KIM IL SUNG'On Juche in Our Revolution', Volume 1: p. 317).
Around this time, the WPK daily newspaper RODONG SINMUN (Labour Daily) carried several articles attacking revisionism -- notable the article 'Let Us Uphold National Liberation' in 1964, and 'Let Us Defend the Socialist Camp', published in October 1963. These articles were translated into different languages and disseminated outside Korea.
Within Korea, a thoroughgoing campaign against modern revisionism was carried out. Comrade Kim Il Sung addressed army soldiers on the dangers of revisionism, as well as the League of Socialist Working Youth and other mass organisations.
As the 60s progressed, it became apparent that a serious split had developed within the international communist movement. Comrade KIM IL SUNG and the Workers' Party of Korea took the position of opposing revisionism, but at the same time maintaining a principled position of defending the unity of the international communist movement. A special conference of the WPK was called in October 1966. At this conference Comrade KIM IL SUNG attacked modern revisionism:
"Modern revisionism revises Marxism-Leninism and emasculates its revolutionary quintessence under the pretext of a 'changed situation' and 'creative development'. It rejects class struggle and the dictatorship of the proletariat; it preaches class collaboration and gives up fighting imperialism. Moreover, modern revisionism spread illusions about imperialism and in every way obstructed the revolutionary struggle of the peoples for social and national liberation".
(KIM IL SUNGOn Juche in Our Revolution', Volume 1: p. 531).
However, he also took to task left opportunism, which had appeared in the international communist movement:
"We must fight 'Left' opportunism as well as modern revisionism. 'Left' opportunists fail to take into account changed realities and dogmatically seek isolated propositions of Marxism-Leninism; they lead people to extremist action under super-revolutionary slogans. They also divorce the Party from the masses, split the revolutionary forces and prevent a concentrated attack on the principal enemy".
(KIM IL SUNG 'On Juche in Our Revolution', Volume 1; p. 531).
Furthermore he pointed out that the struggle against both Right and 'Left' opportunism was closely linked to the struggle for the unity of the socialist camp and the cohesion of the international communist movement. Lastly, he saw the struggle for the unity and cohesion of the international communist movement and against modern revisionism and 'Left' opportunism as being integral to the fight for independence within the socialist camp. Comrade KIM IL SUNG pointed to the danger inherent in losing independence:
"If we lack independence and identity, and follow in others' steps in present-day conditions, we cannot have principle and consistency in our lines and policies. This will not only eventually do enormous harm to our revolution and construction, but will inflict a great damage on the international communist movement".
(KIM IL SUNG 'On Juche in Our Revolution', Volume 1: p. 549).
Comrade KIM IL SUNG also combined the struggle against revisionism with the struggle against US imperialism. Comrade KIM IL SUNG wrote many works attacking US imperialism.
Entering the 1970s, the WPK renewed its struggle against modern revisionism. At the 5th Congress of the WPK in November 1970, Comrade KIM IL SUNG said:
"We must continue to intensify ideological work against revisionism among the Party members and working people". (KIM IL SUNG: 'Report on Fifth Congress of the WPK', p. 158).
In the 1980s an abnormal situation arose in the socialist countries as the Soviet Union under Gorbachov adopted "perestroika " and "glasnost " and many socialist countries went in for reform' and 'restructuring'. This caused confusion, distress and disillusionment amongst communists. Comrade KIM IL SUNG, the great leader of the Korean revolution, was one of the first leaders in the socialist world to see through it and attack it. In December 1986, speaking to the Supreme People's Assembly, he stressed:
"The people's government must guard against the poisonous ideas of capitalism and revisionism and resolutely fight against all attempts to infringe upon the socialist system".

(KIM IL SUNG: 'Works', Volume 40; p. 216).

Comrade KIM IL SUNG put forward the concept of the complete victory of socialism, which struck a blow against the revisionists.

During a talk to senior officials of the Economic Sector on the 3rd of January 1987, Comrade Kim Il Sung made the following analysis of the DPRK's position vis a vis the socialist world:

"Modern revisionism which has appeared in the international communist movement is also creating a lot of difficulties for our revolution. On the pretext of 'reforming' and 'reorganising' socialism, the modern revisionists are following the road to capitalism and abandoning internationalist principles. It is, therefore, difficult for us to expect from them co-operation based on internationalism in the building of socialism. What is worse, they are applying economic pressure on us because we do not follow their wrong, revisionist policy".

(KIM IL SUNG: 'Works', Volume 40; p. 231).

Speaking to officials from the chemical industry on March 20 1987, Comrade Kim Il Sung also stated:
 "The officials should strongly oppose revisionism and reformism and establish the revolutionary habit of living our way. . . . We must always live our own way, without having any illusions about the revisionist and reformist policies which are pursued in some countries. In particular, the officials in responsible positions, the backbone of our Party, must not vacillate in the least. There will be no failure if we live our own style".

(KIM IL SUNG: 'Works', Volume 8; p. 274).

Thus, the slogan 'Let Us Live Our Own Way!' was put forward in the 1980s as a means of combating revisionism. Moreover, Comrade KIM IL SUNG, with wisdom and clarity stated:

"If the officials are to be completely rid of revisionism and reformism, and live in their own style; they must be firmly armed with the Juche idea of our Party". (Ibid.; p. 274).

Thus the great leader comrade KIM IL SUNG made sure that the DPRK and WPK always adhered to revolutionary principles through thick and thin. Members of the ASSPUK and JISGE remember the great leader comrade KIM IL SUNG as a great revolutionary who was consistent in his principles  Today dear respected Marshal KIM JONG UN carrying forward the ideas of comrade KIM IL SUNG is leading the  Korean people to struggle uncompromising against US imperialism.
Dermot Hudson

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