Saturday 1 November 2014

Quotation from "Socialism Is A Science"



"It is an unscientific illusion to expect "good will" from the exploiter class, whose nature is greed....


 The exploiter class and their stooges put forward the "theory of class cooperation" and tried to block the struggle of the exploited working masses against exploitation and oppression. Within the communist movement, reformists and revisionists demanded "class cooperation" and seriously harmed the revolutionary movement, Today, traitors to socialism are also clamoring for a return to capitalism, harboring illusions about capitalism and expecting "aid" and "cooperation" from the imperialists. History shows that to expect "good will" or "class cooperation" from the exploiter class is to make a mess of the revolution. "

A quotation from the great leader comrade Kim Jong Il's "Socialism Is A Science " any worker or trade unionist or communist knows that class contradictions are irreconcilable and this quotation proves. There should not be no class collaboration.

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