Thursday 21 August 2014

Salute to the 45th Anniversary of the formation of the Anti-Imperialist National Democratic Front of south Korea-ASSPUK, JISGE and UK KFA

ASSOCIATION FOR THE STUDY OF SONGUN POLITICS UK                                                                    

                            London 22nd of August Juche 103(2014)
The ASSPUK, Juche Idea Study Group of England and the UK Korean Friendship
Association today issued a statement on the occasion of the 45th anniversary of the foundation of the Anti-Imperialist National Democratic Front of south Korea which falls on the 25th of August 2014. The statement reads as follows,
                     It is 45 years since the Revolutionary Party for Reunification , which is the forerunner organisation to today's Anti-Imperialist National Democratic Front of south Korea, declared the foundation of its Central Committee in Seoul on the 25th of August and published its manifesto .  The RPR declared that it was guided by the immortal Juche Idea of the great revolutionary leader President  KIM IL SUNG.
                        As the great leader President KIM IL SUNG said
"As a united Marxist-Leninist party , a party of the working class was born in the hard revolutionary fight of the south Korean revolutionaries and people against the US imperialists and their stooges . With its emergence , broad masses of the oppressed and exploited people in south Korea acquired a genuine defender of their class and national interests. The south Korean people today have a reliable political general staff in their revolutionary battle for freedom and
(KIM IL SUNG Selected Works Vol V p480)

 During the 45 years of its existence, the RPR and its successors , the NDFSK and AINDFSK , have unremittingly carried the anti-fascist , anti-imperialist struggle in south Korea despite the vile fascist suppression of the south Korean puppet cliques.

Leaders of the RPR such as Kim Jong Tae and Choi Young Do were murdered by the south Korean puppet fascist regime becoming martyrs for the south Korean revolution and the reunification of the country . The RPR fought hard against the south Korean puppet regime and the US imperialists using all forms of struggle , legal and illegal, violent and non-violent . The RPR , guided by the great Juche Idea, not only struggled against the south Korean fascist  puppet regime  but also against revisionism, flunkeyism ,great power chauvinism, opportunism, dogmatism and factionalism.
The RPR to reflect the mass democratic struggles in the 1980s against the fascist Chun regime of south Korea became the National Democratic Front of south Korea . The NDFSK played a valiant role in the struggle to democratise south Korea and overthrow the Chun-Roh fascists. During the late 1980s south Korean students and youth , risking jail or even death, studied the Juche Idea.

        Today the AINDF is bravely fighting against the US imperialist occupation of south Korea and neo-colonialism  and it is fighting hard for independent national reunification. It upholds the dear respected Marshal KIM JONG UN , lodestar of national reunification in high esteem  . Guided by the great Juche Idea the AINDF will win final victory.
 Our organisations, the ASSPUK, JISGE and UK KFA, are proud to have fraternal relations with the AINDF and will strive to strengthen them .We salute the AINDF on its 45th anniversary . We are very proud to have such fine comrades as the AINDF. May the struggle of the AINDF win final victory !
Long live the AINDF!
Long live the south Korean revolution.!

Korea is One !
Long live Korean reunification !
Long live the Juche Idea !



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