Thursday 20 February 2014

"Theses On the Socialist Rural Question in Our Country "and the superiority of Juche agriculture -special article by JISGE and ASSPUK

London 21st of February Juche 102(2014)
This year is the 50th anniversary of the publication of the famous “Theses On the Socialist Rural Question in Our Country “ authored by the great leader President Kim Il Sung. This is a truly remarkable document which charted basic principles for the solution of the rural question in the Democratic People's Republic of Korea. In former agrarian societies like the DPRK the solution of the rural question is of fundamental importance. Unfortunately many socialist countries did not find a smooth solution to this paramount question.
                                       The great leader President Kim Il Sung presented the Theses On the Socialist Rural Question in Our Country  to a plenary meeting of the central committee of the Workers' Party of Korea on the 25th of February 1964 . He paid forward the following three basic principles to be adhered to
First, the technological, cultural and ideological revolutions should be thoroughly carried out in the rural areas;
Second, the working-class leadership of the peasantry, the assistance of industry to agriculture, and the support of the towns to the countryside should be strengthened in every way;
Third, the guidance and management of agriculture should be continu­ally brought closer to the advanced level of enterprise management of industry, the bonds between all-people property and cooperative property should be strengthened, and cooperative property should be steadily brought closer to property of the whole people.”
He taught the main contents of the revolution to be carried on in the countryside after the establishment of the socialist system, the basic way of eliminating the distinctions between towns and countryside, and the basic direction for realizing the organic combination between cooperative proper­ty and all-people property.”

   These were very revolutionary policies . They were in complete contrast to the revisionist countries where the ties between all-people property and co-operative were deliberately weakened with the guidance of the state in agriculture being neglected.
These three basic principles were buttressed by a programme of investment  and construction in rural areas and the improvement of people's living standards.  The rural theses put forward the idea of constructing houses for the farmers at state expenses and allocated them to the farmers free of charge . Also the tax in kind was to be abolished. These were unprecedented measures unknown in the world . Thus the socialist countryside of the DPRK became a paradise without taxation, exploitation or oppression.
             Many great achievement were made in the field of agriculture under the
leadership of the great leader President Kim Il Sung- . In 1984 grain production was 5.3 times that of 1946 . Per hectare yields reached 7.2 tons for rice and 6.3 tons for maize . As the supreme leader of the DPRK dear respected Marshal
Kim Jong Un said recently
"Since the rural theses was made public, sea changes have been witnessed in socialist rural construction in our country."
                                         The “Theses on the Socialist Rural Question “ was acclaimed by the revolutionary and progressive people of the world as a textbook for socialist agriculture. A representative of the TriContinental Peoples Solidarity Organization said that “This is our textbook. Real socialism must be constructed as it being built in Korea”. A Tanzanian said that the Rural theses was “ an example that which all independent countries building a new life must learn from “ Many delegations from third world countries visited the DPRK to study agriculture. Several countries opened DPRK agricultural institutes .
Despite the severe setbacks experienced by DPRK agriculture in the mid 1990s, which was caused by severe natural disasters and the imperialist sanctions, grain production has increased for the last 3 years .  Although the imperialists and reactionaries have slandered the DPRK's Juche-based socialist agricultural system  even talking about "famine ". However  although DPRK agriculture suffered setbacks in the 1990s , the DPRK's rate of self-sufficiency in food was still higher than that of Japan which has only 33% self-sufficiency in food and south Korea which has 55%. South Korea’s grain imports have more than tripled from 3.65 million tons in 1978 to12.5 minion tons in 2011, this shows the massive failure of south Korean agriculture which used to be the granary of Korea rather than the mountainous north.
DPRK Supreme Leader dear respected Marshal KIM JONG UN referred to the 50th anniversary of the “Theses on the Socialist Rural Question “ in his New Year address he said

We should clearly prove the validity and vitality of the theses by waging the ideological, technological and cultural revolutions dynamically in the rural areas and bringing about a decisive turn in agricultural production. This year we should keep up agriculture as a major thrust of our effort in the struggle for economic construction and improving the people's standard of living, and concentrate all our efforts on farming. The agricultural sector should pro-actively introduce scientific farming methods and do farm work in a responsible manner so as to hit without fail the target of agricultural production set by the Party. It should improve animal husbandry and do greenhouse vegetable and mushroom farming on an extensive scale so as to ensure that larger quantities of meat, vegetables and mushrooms are supplied to the people.

Final victory is in store for the socialist agriculture of the DPRK advancing under the rays of the “Theses on the Socialist Rural Question “ and the great Juche farming method !

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