Thursday 6 February 2014

Kim Jong Un Calls for Promoting Ideological, Technological and Cultural Revolutions in Countryside

   Pyongyang, February 7 (KCNA) -- Supreme leader
Kim Jong Un stressed the need to promote the ideological, technological and cultural revolutions in the countryside more forcefully in his letter to the participants in the National Conference of Subworkteam Leaders in the Agricultural Sector.
    Primary effort should be channelled into the ideological revolution, so as to arm all the agricultural working people with Kimilsungism-Kimjongilism and train them to be rural revolutionaries in the Songun era who work faithfully for the interests of their community and society and for their country and fellow people and dedicate their pure conscience and sincere efforts unsparingly to the country's agricultural development, he said and went on:
    The agricultural working people should be imbued with a thoroughgoing faith in socialism and steadfast anti-imperialist and class consciousness so that they can regard our style of socialism as their life and soul, love it ardently and fight staunchly against the imperialists' moves for ideological and cultural infiltration.
    If we are to successfully build a socialist civilized country and ultimately solve the rural question, we should step up the cultural revolution in the countryside. The countryside, upholding the slogan of making all the people well versed in science and technology, should actively propagate scientific and technological knowledge, so that all the agricultural working people can learn advanced farming techniques and operate modern technical means skillfully; it should also ensure that a greater number of the agricultural working people are involved in the study-while-you-work system. Conditions should be created so that they can enjoy a cultural and emotional life to their heart's content and, by laying out the rural villages in a more cultured way, it should turn them into a civilized and beautiful socialist fairyland.
    In line with the demands of the era of science and technology, the informatics era, it should promote the rural technological revolution, thus making the material and technological foundations of the rural economy firmer and steadily putting agriculture on a higher scientific and modern footing. By comprehensively introducing machinery in the rural economy and widely applying agrochemicals, it should narrow the differences between the agricultural labour and industrial labour and completely free the farmers from back-breaking labour. And by building new irrigation facilities and widely introducing a variety of modern irrigation methods while following up the successes already achieved in rural irrigation, it should perfect the irrigation system. -0-

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