Sunday 26 January 2014

ASSPUK, JISGE and UK KFA refute latest anti DPRK false rumours

People are asking the KFA and JISGE  about rumours about the DPRK which had originated from south Korea ,from the notorious south Korean puppet news agency Yonhap. Regrettably certain news agencies considered to be "independent " or even "anti-imperialist " have chosen to repeat this story without even trying to verify its accuracy with the DPRK. The south Korean puppets have been driven into a tight corner by their own abrupt rejection of the DPRK's peace offer to stop tensions turning into a conflict . No doubt creating another media circus about purges and executions is a good way to distract attention from their war mongering moves and their responsibility for the worsening situation.
I would point out the following
1) Stories like this from south Korea are 10 a penny and in most cases later shown to blatantly false
2) No reports of more trials and executions in the DPRK.
4) No further comments in the DPRK media about the need for continued  struggle against anti-party counter -revolutionary factionalists . class enemies and traitors.
5) In fact only a very small number of officials in the DPRK were removed or dismissed.
The impression I got from speaking to people in the DPRK was that the purge of the counter revolutionaries was a very good thing and totally necessary but the main thing now was to move on and concentrate on the work of socialist construction, improving living standards and achieving peaceful reunification. With past struggles against anti-party counter-revolutionary factionalists the main principle was to punish the ringleaders but to re-educate and assimilate the lower level followers .

People should not have any illusions about some news agencies of big powers . Certain big powers style themselves are friends ,helpers and benefactors of the DPRK but play a double game and co-operate with south Korea and US imperialism against the DPRK behind the scenes . As to Al Jazzera this news agency is at the end of the day a bourgeois news agency of the pro imperialist state the UAE

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