Saturday 22 September 2012

A Country with Many Heroes


A Country with Many Heroes

Leader Kim Jong Il did not overlook every positive deed of people, but spoke highly of many units and brought up ordinary people into heroes of the era and innovators.
Here is a story on the first hero work-team all members of which became heroes on the same day.
One day in 1973 Kim Jong Il received a report from an official about the positive deed of the members of the Excavator No.7 Work-team of the Kumsan pit in the Ryongyang Mine.
The miners of the work-team fulfilled their annual assignments ahead of schedule for 10 years, increasing the per capita output value 12 times and the excavator’s capacity 10 times while reducing the number of work-team members from 26 to 9.
Studying while working, all the work-team members grew into engineers or associate engineers. They also handed over their stope to a backward work-team and made a collective innovation in an unfavorable stope.
Kim Jong Il was satisfied with the fact that not a few members, but the collective performed heroism, saying such a revolutionary spirit can be displayed only in DPR Korea where the Juche idea was embodied in all fields of social life.
Then, he reported on it to President Kim Il Sung.
Some days later Kim Jong Il called the official and said President Kim Il Sung was glad so much for the first time in many days.
He went on to say: If the workers are all prepared like them, the revolution is as good as having emerged victorious.
The members of the Excavator No.7 Work-team in Ryongyang Mine gave a full play to the collectivist spirit and set an example of modeling all members of society on the Juche idea.
One November day in the same year Kim Jong Il called the official again and urged him to make preparations to confer the title of labor hero on all members of the work-team.
He pointed out that all of them were entitled to be called heroes as their fighting spirit is heroic and their exploits are also heroic.
Mentioning the term of labor of the workers, he taught that how many years they had worked is not problem. He added that the mark of hero is not the term of military service or labor, but whether their fighting spirit and exploits are heroic.
The title of hero can be conferred not on a special man, selected man, but on all people living in the embrace of the Workers’ Party of Korea, he said.
Before long the title of twice labor hero was conferred on the leader of the Excavator No.7 Work-team of the Kumsan pit in Ryongyang Mine and the title of labor hero on all other members of the work-team.
The first hero work-team of Mt. Paekgum in the world was born like that under the great affection and trust of Kim Jong Il.
Ordinary working people have grown into heroes of the nation and the DPRK has become a country with many heroes.
Today the respected Kim Jong Un who is alike with leader Kim Jong Il praises the ordinary working people as heroes when they devoted their all to the building of a prosperous nation for the country and the people.

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