Friday 31 August 2012

ASSPUK and JISGE statement on the 64th anniversary of the foundation of the DPRK


                                               London 31st of August Juche 101(2012) 
The ASSPUK and JISGE today issued a joint statement on the 64th anniversary of the foundation of the Democratic People's Republic of Korea on the 9th of September.
We Juche idea and Songun idea followers of the UK salute the 64th anniversary of the foundation of the Democratic People's Republic of Korea . The foundation of the DPRK was the first step in the road of Juche-orientated state building . The DPRK was founded on the 9th of September 1948 by the great leader comrade Kim Il Sung as a pure manifestation of the will of the entire Korean people north and south. The DPRK is the only legitimate state in Korea as it was founded by the will of the Korean people. The DPRK is the fruit of the anti-Japanese armed struggle led by the great leader comrade Kim Il Sung. Under the leadership of the great leader comrade Kim Il Sung the Korean people solved the question of power which is the most pressing question in the revolution .

The foundation of the DPRK was a powerful inspiration to the oppressed peoples of  of the world ,groaning under imperialist oppression, in their struggle for independence and national liberation. It was also  a great inspiration to the international proletariat advancing towards socialism .

The DPRK under the wise leadership of the great leader comrade Kim Il Sung fully completed the tasks of the anti-imperialist , anti- feudal democratic revolution in a short space of time and switched over to the socialist revolution proving the validity of the Juche-orientated theory on continuous revolution . The DPRK is not a replica of another country and pursues independent Juche-orientated policies. It is based firmly on the principles of independence, self-sufficiency and self-defence . As dear respected Marshal Kim Jong Un said
"Free from the past, stained with sycophancy and dogmatism, Kim Il Sung, in the whole course of leading the revolution, regarded independence as its lifeline and solved all the problems arising in the revolution and construction in our own way and in conformity with the demands of our revolution, the interests of our people and the actual situation of our country. By consistently holding fast to the principle of independence, he built a powerful driving force of our revolution, smashed at every step the counterrevolutionary offensive of the imperialists and reactionaries and the interventionist schemes of the “Leftist” and Rightist opportunists, and led to victory two revolutionary wars, two rounds of reconstruction, two stages of social revolution and socialist construction."

Under the wise leadership of President Kim Il Sung the DPRK created a people-centred socialist system in which there is no exploitation and oppression . The improvement of the people's living standards is the supreme principle of state activity and this is underpinned by legalisation. The DPRK  introduced free medical and free education. It abolished taxation in 1974. The DPRK is a people's paradise.

Today under the leadership of dear respected Marshal Kim Jong Un the DPRK is
upholding the Songun revolutionary line under the uplifted banner of the Juche idea.  The people are united solidly around the leader and the Party . The DPRK under the leadership of dear respected Marshal Kim Jong Un is defeating the provocations, pressure and state-sponsored terrorism of the US and advancing towards a thriving prosperous socialist country and national reunification.


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