Monday 7 May 2012

In Defence of Juche by ASSPUK and JISGE

The JISGE  and ASSPUK have issued the following commentary in defence of  the Juche idea . It has become a pressing necessity to defend the Juche idea against slanders and also misconceptions and misunderstandings that arise.

The Juche idea does not have a "fuzzy terminology " as implied by some  dogmatists. Rather it is a very clear cut and well defined system of theory and ideology. It was systematised by the great leader comrade Kim Jong Il particularly in this 1982 thesis "ON THE JUCHE IDEA ". The Juche idea has philosphical principles as well as socio-historical principles. The basic philosophical core of the Juche idea is that man is the master and decides everything . It means that the popular masses are the master of the revolution and construction. Thus without empowering the popular masses . There is nothing at all 'fuzzy' about this. In terms of pratical policies the Juche idea can be expressed in the formulation of political independence, a self -sustaining economyand self -reliance in defence. All very clear conceptions.

                         Juche is based on a thoroughgoing class stand . As the great leader comrade Kim Jong Il says
"the independent stand is a thoroughly revolutionary stand, the working-class stand. The working class is the most independent class which struggles to emancipate itself by its own initiative and to become the master of its own destiny. The cause of socialism and communism is the historic cause of the working class, aimed at completely realizing the independence of the masses of the people. Any stands which are contrary to the independent stand are alien to the working-class stand, the stand of the popular masses, and they are all harmful to the cause of socialism and communism."

  Juche is steadfastly opposed to revisionism , to quote again from ON THE JUCHE IDEA "
the Juche idea serves as a guideline which shows a correct approach to the preceding revolutionary theories. These working-class theories were advanced on the premise of the conditions and tasks of the past times which were different from today, but they have a community of class idea and mission with the revolutionary theory based on the Juche idea. By laying down the principle of creatively approaching the existing theories and experiences, the Juche idea makes it possible to apply and develop the preceding revolutionary theories to suit the requirements of revolutionary practice in our time. In particular, it maintains the position of firmly defending and realizing the Chajusong of the working class and other working masses, and thus makes it possible to accurately identify and eliminate all kinds of opportunism, including revisionism which gives up the cause of revolution halfway or denies class struggle, and uphold the class principle and the spirit of uninterrupted revolution in the revolutionary theories of the working class"

Juche does not mean the abandonment or negation of  Marxism-Leninism as implied by some. Of course the Juche idea is an original idea but it does inherit and incorporate some features of Marxism-Leninism  namely the class principle. The Juche idea recognises the truth of Marxism -Leninism . Leader comrade Kim Jong Il stressed the nead to uphold Marx,Engels, Lenin and Stalin as the forerunners of the revolution. During the 1960s the great leader comrade Kim Il Sung in defending Marxism-Leninism from both modern revisionism and leftist opportunism developed it to a new higher level.  As he developed ideas and theories became impossible to simply define Juche as contemporary Marxism-Leninism so the term Kimilsungism came into being to define the thought of the great leader
comrade Kim Il Sung. Marx lived and worked nearly 200 years ago and Lenin  a 100 years so it is inevitable that their theories will have historical limitations and gaps . This is no way disrespects Marx or Lenin. Juche is the revolutionary ideology that fits the needs of the time, it is the ideology of the revolution in the 21st century.
                          Finally there is some talk of "nationalism". It is actually quite false and erroneous to counter pose nationalism and internationalism , and nationalism and communism as some people do.
The great leader president Kim Il Sung made it clear that he was both a nationalist and an internationalist. It is Trotskyites who screech loudly about the mention of nationalism. Juche integrates
successly the national and international tasks of the revolution. Juche maintains that to carry out the world revolution one must carry out the revolution in one's own country. In fact the DPRK has not only succesfully built socialism centred on the people in its own country, providing an example or model of socialism to the world's people ,but always punched above its weight in supporting the world revolution.  It sent air force pilots of the KPA Air Force to assist the Vietnamese people in their struggle and also to Egypt, It gave more aid  per capita to the New Jewel government in Grenada than the old Soviet Union did. Let us remember that it the big countries that betrayed socialism.  Some also talk about flunkeyism but mis use the term. It means subservience to and aping big powers such as the US and others but also the Soviet Union and China in the past socialist camp. It cannot mean a small
Away with all slanders of the Juche idea

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