Sunday 27 February 2011

reflections on independence,the subject of the revolution and the unity of the masses and leader

Some philosophical thoughts

leadership in building socialism and the whole basis of the unity of the masses,leader and party.Indeed it can be said that the leader masses and party form the trinity that both solidifies socialism and also I read through the work "Our Socialism Centred On the Popular Masses " by the great leader comrade Kim Jong Il as well as "The Juche Outlook on the Revolution".Then later I read in a collection of works titled " Successor to the Cause of Juche".I read an essay,Formation and Continuation of the Socio Political Organism by Inoue Shuhachi director of the International Institute of the Juche Idea and emeritus professor of Rikkyo University of Japan.Reading this short essay things geled in my mind and realised that the two works of the great leader comrade Kim Jong Il that I have read actually dovetail and brilliantly expound the whole concept of Juche drives the building of socialism forward.

The masses,party and leader form an integral whole,a socio-political entity.It is only within this entity that the popular masses can realise their independence.

Also as leader Kim Jong Il himself pointed out the physical life of individuals is limited but socio-political life is limitless.

I would argue that those who disparage the DPRK and Juche socialism simply fail to see and realise the whole basis of it and its massive achievements.There is no "personality cult"(anyway a fake concept invented by revisionist bungler and traitor Khruschov) as the leader is not an individual but rather the centre of unity of society and brain of the revolution.To pit the leader against the masses as the revisionists and bourgeoisie is like pitting the brain against the body.In the DPRK the masses enjoy genuine socio political intregity united in a harmonious whole just like one big family.Man has long dreamed of immortality,it is true that physical immortality is probably not possible but in the DPRK the masses can enjoy an unlimited socio-political life as part of the collective.

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