Saturday 6 November 2010

ASSPUK and JISGE on DPRK NDC inspection group statement


London 5th November 2010 Juche 99
The ASSPUK and JISGE strongly support the report of the inspection group of the DPRK
National Defence Commission realease on the 2nd of November.The report conclusively refutes the allegation that the DPRK had anything to do with the sinking of the south Korean warship in an objective,accurate and scienfitic manner.

The statement exposes the absurd and farcial nature of the allegations of the south Korean
puppets.It proves beyond all doubt that the DPRK was in no way responsible for the unfortuneate tragedy of the "Cheonan".

The DPRK does not use aluminum in construction of torpedoes,no traces of gunpowder was found on the part of the torpedo dredged up by the south Korean puppets,workers in the DPRK munitions industry do not use felt tip pens to write on munitions and moreover this would have been obliterated.The statement also proves that it was not possible for a DPRK submarine to infiltrate into the area concerned.

All in all it is a complete pack of stupid,idiotic and childish lies which have been cooked up by the south Korean puppets and their US imperialist overloads.The "Cheonan case" has no crediblity whatsoever but the paid media of imperialism shamelessly repeat these lies.ASSPUK and JISGE condemn the media in the US,UK,Japan and elsewhere for spreading lies to tarnish the dignified reputation of Juche Korea and to stifle its socialist system.

For the sake of truth and reason the south Korean puppets must accept the offer of the DPRK NDC inspection to hand over a sample of metal.Moreover the south Korean puppets must accept,though belatedly,the offer of the DPRK NDC to send an inspection group to south Korea.The US imperialists and south Korean puppets and the paid liars of the Western media must drop their anti DPRK campaign at once.


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