Thursday 21 October 2010

ASSPUK and JISGE statement on anniversary of DIU


London October 16th 2010 Juche 99

The ASSPK and Juche Idea Study Group of England today issued a joint statement on the occasion of the 84th anniversary of the foundation of the Down With Imperialism Union on October 17th by the great leader comrade Kim Il Sung the sun of Juche.

It has been more than 80 years since the great leader comrade Kim Il Sung formed the DIU which had the great aims of achieving independence for Korea,fighting imperialism, creating socialism and communism and to carry out the world revolution.

The DIU was a totally new departure in the Korean communist movement.It was based on revolutionary youth,such as,revolutionary school students untainted with factionalism, flunkeyism or opportunism which had crippled the early Korean communist movement.It
was rooted firmly in the popular masses and believed in relying upon them whereas
previously the factionalists and opportunists sought to rely only on the middle class and
bourgeoisie and exclude the popular masses from the revolutionary struggle.

With the foundation of the Down With Imperialism Union by the great leader comrade
Kim Il Sung, a new era in the Korean revolution opened.The struggle against Japanese
imperialism surged forward under the red flag of Juche and the struggle for party building
was organically combined with the anti Japanese revolutionary struggle of the masses.The
DIU is the foundation stone of the Workers' Party of Korea and the root of the Juche idea
and Songun revolution.
The DIU showed that the revolution must be carried out independently and that imperialism
can only be defeated by force of arms.
The Workers' Party of Korea under the leadership of the great leader comrade Kim Jong Il continues and carries forward the proud revolutionary traditions of the Down With Imperialism Union.The WPK guided by the Juche idea and the revolutionary idea of Songun fights to achieve independence and reunification,it is leading the struggle to build socialism and communism and is supporting the world revolution by way of example and by it principled internationalist support to the world revolution.The recent conference of the WPK ensures the revolutionary cause of the DIU will be carried on from genaration to generation.
We wish the Workers' Party of Korea greater success in carrying forward the Juche revolutionary cause which began with the foundation of DIU.We are certain that under the Songun revolutionary leadership of the great leader comrade Kim Jong Il the cause
of the DIU and WPK will be ever victorious.


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