Thursday 2 September 2010

Why you should support the DPRK

South Korea is an artificial puppet state of US imperialism, it is backed up militarily by 30,000 US military personnel and sophisticated weaponery, in particular about 1,000 nuclear war heads trained on the DPRK.

There is mass unemployment, massive differences in wealth between the richest and the poorest, prostitution, destitution and drug and alcohol abuse in the South of Korea. Its schools and education system fail to meet the requirements of the people and its health system is deteriorating rapidly.

Public protest is ruthlessly suppressed by the police, involvement in pro DPRK activities is illegal, membership of a communist organisation is also banned and can lead to a seven year jail sentence.

By way of contrast, in the socialist North of Korea:

1)Primary,secondary and university education are free.

2)Recently the World Health Organisation praised the DPRK's health service as the best in the developing world.

3)All medical treatment in the DPRK is free of charge, including transport to hospital. The DPRK has 30 doctors per 10,000 people and no shortage of hospital beds.

4)The DPRK is an independent socialist power, it is self reliant and has a productive and stable economy. Guided by revolutionary Songun and Juche idea politics of the Workers Party of Korea, the DPRK is in the cutting edge in the struggle against world imperialism led by the US.

5) There is no shortage of housing, there is mass construction of high quality housing and there is no homelessness.

6 There is currently the construction of large hydro electric power stations and the modernisation of production processes.

7)There is no unemployment.

8) High quality food is provided at low cost by the state.

9)Large scale agricultural mechanisation is continuing, there are both state owned farms and cooperatives.

10)The DPRK has a nuclear deterrent which was build by themselves and prevents US imperialism from attacking them.

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