Wednesday 4 August 2010

South Korean puppet dirty tricks in Western Europe in the past

Professor Park No-su:
He, hailing from south Korea, received doctorate degree by Tokyo University of Japan.
He, patriotic intellectual, while giving lectures on international law at Cambridge University in the UK, conducted struggle for democratization of the south Korean society and the national reunification.
In the vortex of the “Spy Group Case in Europe” in 1969 he was arrested and sentenced to death in a trial.
The death sentence on him was executed just prior to the publication of the July 4 south-north joint statement in 1974.
In 2009 the “Committee for Reviewing the Past History” in south Korea investigated the “Spy Group Case in Europe” during which it issued a conclusion indicating that there was a human rights violation including illegal detainment and cruel acts against Prof. Park and other “accomplices”.

- “East Berlin Case”:
Agents of the south Korean intelligence service entered West Germany by stealth in 1967, enticed and kidnapped south Korean artists, university professors and students who strived for the democratization of the south Korean society and the country’s reunification and took them to south Korea.
The fascist puppets of south Korea sentenced them to severe punishments including death penalty and lifelong imprisonment accusing that they conducted spy activities by the “instructions” of the north.
At the time, the case developed into a diplomatic row between West Germany and south Korea.
The German government sent a notification to the south Korean regime that if the latter did not return them including Yun I-sang back to Germany it would sever diplomatic ties with south Korea.
Faced with soaring protest from other European countries and the public opinion at home the south Korean puppets could not but return them back to Germany about one year later.

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