Saturday 9 August 2008

KPA Panmunjom Mission Issues Detailed Report

KPA Panmunjom Mission Issues Detailed Report

Pyongyang, August 8 (KCNA) -- The Panmunjom Mission of the Korean People's Army released the following detailed report Friday dismissing the sophism let loose by the United States that the already demised Neutral Nations Supervisory Commission (NNSC) still exists:
The U.S. put out of existence the NNSC, a mechanism tasked to oversee the implementation of the Armistice Agreement (AA), which it regarded as a hurdle in the way of turning south Korea into the world's biggest nuclear base and making preparations for launching a new war, and the Neutral Nations Inspection Teams affiliated to it long ago.
But it still keeps Swiss and Swedish members of the former NNSC at Panmunjom in a bid to make the world public believe that it still exists, a poor charade.
The U.S. forces side is busy manipulating those members to meet at Panmunjom almost everyday although it met once every Tuesday. It is also egging them on to conduct "diplomacy for eliciting sympathy" from tourists coming to Panmunjom, asking them to receive texts of the so-called "letter" near the Military Demarcation Line for several hours though it was flatly rejected by the KPA side.
The U.S. forces side went the lengths of letting them guide tourists in Panmunjom and watch the take-off and landing exercises of the U.S. forces copters in the area of the conference hall and participate in a "memorial service" for the U.S. soldier, etc. in a clumsy bid to convince the public that the commission still exists and is active.
Even in Europe personnel of the member nations of the former NNSC met as an annual event at which they talked rubbish that they would continue to fulfill their commitments under the AA at the prodding of the U.S.
The NNSC was an international mechanism set up at Panmunjom on August 1, 1953 according to Paragraph 36 of the AA. Its basic mission was to oversee the implementation of Paragraph 13 d of the AA which bans two belligerent parties from introducing armed forces from outside Korea in order to prevent the recurrence of fresh armed conflict in Korea after ceasefire.
As long as the NNSC was left intact, it was quite impossible for the U.S. to rapidly modernize the equipment of its forces in south Korea nor was it possible for it to introduce nuclear weapons the shipment of which was stepped up according to its "big-scale retaliation" strategy.
Hence, the U.S. forces side obstructed the supervision and watch by the NNSC and the Neutral Nations Inspection Teams in every way.
As the build-up of its forces and violations of the AA were brought to light, the U.S. forces side forcibly expelled the Neutral Nations Inspection Teams from the area of its side on June 9, 1956 and officially declared that it unilaterally abandoned the implementation of Paragraph 13 d of the AA at the 75th meeting of the Military Armistice Commission (MAC) on June 21, 1957.
As a result, the NNSC existed only in name.
The U.S. forces side appointed a general of the south Korean puppet army which was not a signatory to the AA and which had neither qualification nor mandate to handle issues related to the AA as senior member of its side to the MAC in gross violation of the Paragraph 20 of Article 2 of the AA on March 25, 1991, thus compelling the MAC to suspend its activities and depriving the NNSC of the mechanism to work with.
In the meantime, the Czechoslovak and Polish members of the NNSC pulled out of Panmunjom and their countries joined the U.S.-led NATO, thus losing neutrality. This caused the NNSC which existed only in name to completely collapse. This being a hard reality, the U.S. is working hard to create the impression that the NNSC still exists. This is intended to achieve its sinister aims to justify the existence of the "UN Command" as a signatory to the AA in a bid to secure a legal ground for rapidly and automatically hurling multinational forces a Korean war in contingency on the Korean Peninsula and shift the blame for the collapse of the mechanism to oversee the implementation of the AA onto the DPRK by using Swiss and Swedish personnel as "witnesses."
With no crafty machinations, however can the U.S. evade the responsibility for destroying the NNSC and sparking off the nuclear crisis on the peninsula.
The U.S. has not only systematically disturbed the work of the NNSC but turned south Korea into its nuclear arsenal and forward logistic base in the true sense of the word by massively introducing all types of operational equipment and nuclear weapons. It has ceaselessly staged exercises for a nuclear war against the DPRK.
This sparked off a nuclear crisis on the Korean Peninsula and forced the Korean people to live, being exposed to the constant nuclear threat of the U.S.
The U.S. and its satellite forces are escalating sanctions and pressure upon the DPRK, claiming in unison that the nuclear issue was spawned on the peninsula because the DPRK built a nuclear power base and war deterrent for self-defence to cope with the threat of nuclear attack from the U.S. This is nonsensical, indeed.
The Korean People's Army is now standing in confrontation with the U.S. forces which have massively stockpiled various types of nuclear weapons in south Korea.
The Korean people are not the spiritless people who sit idle, waiting for a lucky chance and mercy after being deterred by the U.S. nuclear blackmail.
The U.S. is seriously mistaken if it thinks that it can bring the Korean people to their knees with threat, arbitrary practices, sanctions and pressure.
The sanctions and pressure of the U.S. and its satellite states can never work on the army and people of the DPRK who regard sovereignty as their life and soul and no one can encroach upon the system and sovereign dignity of the DPRK under any circumstances.
The reality proves that the DPRK was entirely right when it built the self-defensive military power at a required level to cope with the U.S. nuclear threat.
The U.S. should drop its pipedream to achieve its sinister aim by using the ghost-like "NNSC".
It is the only right way of promoting lasting peace and stability on the peninsula at present to replace the AA by a peace accord and build a new peace-keeping mechanism

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